Saturday 29 October 2011

Week 4 - online learning material

I found the learning material very useful. I feel that i was able to revise previous material in an easy to understand manner, the design was simple and straightforwards, the use of multiple choice, which stays on the question even if you first of all get it wrong, is particulrarly useful as it means you can ALWAYS get the correct answer and an explanation as to why it is correct.
I liked the layout of the material, it was straightforward, the colour scheme was simple and light so the writing was easy to read.The use of images make the material less formal and more appealing than a blank page.
There was nothing i particularly disliked, although, as someone who learns better from reading i would have preferred less pages with more text.
I think that this task has been very useful, and i plan on, if possible, looking back at it from time to time.It gives you facts, views from researchers such as McQuail ( which as a previous sociology student i like, as i love to know who the opinions are from)
Overall, i think the online learning material was VERY useful, and i think it would be good to have such a task ever so often as means of revision.

• what you feel you have learned following this directed study task
• your response to this task
• what you liked about this task
• what you didn't like about this task
• what could be done to improve it, or make it more interesting or informative
• whether this task has been useful for your learning for this module

Thursday 20 October 2011

Nokia N8 ‘viral video’ advertising campaign.

First Off, let me just say, the cameras' on the Nokia N8 are EPIC, make my blackberry camera look shocking.. but then again that is completely the point isnt it?
Not only are the short films brilliant for advertising the quality of the camera on the N8 ( its main selling point from the looks of it) but it also delves into the ever expanding world of new media and social media, inspiring people to take inspiration from the project. As Dev Patel says in the article, it allows people to see that they can make films with just a phone, no big budget required, anyone can do it. And this is the mindset that comes with the raise of such projects -e.g - Street Photography Now Project, The  Story Beyond the Still-HD DSLR film making competion ( worth a watch!) and allows the audience to become active in creating the material rather than just consuming it.
Viral marketing as a seperate concept however is becoming increasingly popular and its clear why, the internet and online shopping etc... is HUGELY popular and growing all the time, a staple in the life in millions of people. The internet connects people, and transmits data worldwide at a tremendous speed so, as an example - youtube, certain videos become viral and are seen by million of people within days, news travels fast.. so if these adverstising online videos were to gain stamina they would generate an enormous amount of interest for the product in a short time all with a rather low cost, compared to traditional advertisements

Thursday 13 October 2011

Monday 10 October 2011

Everyone should be respected as an individual, but no one idolized.
Albert Einstein
"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."

Studies in Media Technology

Hi! This is my blog to discuss ideas and theories i have around the module, "studies in media technology" which is part of my first year in Media Production.. so lets get started..

The module straight away interests me, mainly because i have a sense it may, at points, be similar to sociology which i love, this of cause may be completey wrong.BUT i have my first official ( rather than an introductory) lecture this afternoon so i suppose i will find out :)
