Thursday 10 November 2011

3D, is it worth the bother?

One, 3D is COMPLICATED to get right!

- The fundamental requirements for 3D are:
1 -Two working eyes, each viewing the world from a slightly different perspective (a couple of inches apart).
2- A brain that can take the two views and piece them together into one 3D view.

Basically, is we look at a 2D tv, we see it in 2D, because even with our two eyes making a 3D image there is no depth, just a flat screen.
3D images however suceed as they send a seperate image to each eye and when connected this creates the 3D effect we have looking at the world normally. TA DA

Doesnt sound too bad but is it MUCH more complicated than that simple description.But as someone who doesnt really understand it myself, i wont bore you. Basically, two images, one per eye- brain makes it 3D through glasses - one eye red light, the other cyan ( lets all other light through) and we should in theory have 3D.

But does it add enough to the movie to justify the huge amount of time and money it takes compared to a normal 2D film?
In my opinion, No, Some movies add a few 3D special effects just to advertise that it is 3D, but lack any real 3D quality. Others, such as Avatar, really spend a lot of money to enhance the 3D viewing experience of the movie. But typically most movies fall into the first category, a few more "jumpy" moments when something strikes "out" of the screen and they advertise the movie as 3D and worth seeing??
Personally i would rather buy the £4 less ticket and just have those few short clips in 2D and avoid the annoyment of having to wear the glasses for the whole film ( which as well never seem to fit my face and so i spend most of the time fidgiting with them)
Now, im not saying 3D COULDNT be amazing,if films continued, like Avatar to use 3D well, and often but without being too obvious that certain points were added just for a little bit of 3D ( Im sorry Harry Potter, i love you, but this happened too much in the last film.) it would be really effective and make very exciting footage.

Some people, also, like Jon (Y) cannot actually view 3D for whatever reason, in fact, Johnny Depp, who has starred in various 3D films, cannot actually view them either, so when 3D becomes increasingly common, some people will still be missing out on the experience?? Basically, i prefer 2D, but lots of people love the idea of 3D, for the moment i would rather view 2D cheaper and easier until 3D becomes more efficient, and i hope there is always the option of 2D for people that cannot view 3D.

Rant over, goodbyeeee xx

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