Monday 28 November 2011

Why don't people care about the paralympics??

Was talking about this earlier with a friend, and as its something i feel quite passionate about ( mainly due to the lack of funding/ media coverage) is something i decided to write about.

So, why dont people care about the paralympics?

the paralympic games receive less funding, less media coverage and less support?
and why? I think its almost a form of discrimination- the IOC has written its commitment to equal access to athletics for all people, and until the 2012 olympics, cities HAVE to hold both olympic and paralympic games.
But it isnt equal is it? if i wanted to watch the parlympic sports at the winter 2010 games ( which i did) the BBC only allowed either internet streaming of the sports or a one hour highlight show after the games have finished.. This was done in spite of a The reduction in coverage was done in spite of increased ratings for the 2008 Summer Paralympics, which was watched by 23% of the population of Great Britain!!
People WANT to watch the paralympics, i personally would rather watch it than the Olympic activities, why? maybe im biased, i have two disability in my close family and the thought that,in any way they are thought of less important than an "average" person makes my blood boil. This pattern of thought continues for ALL disabled people, a close friend of mine has a severe degenerative disorder and the thought of anyone ever thinking less of him, or that he isnt worth as much time because he cant go out as much as a normal uni student, or find stuff harder really upsets me.
so yeah, im biased i suppose.. but arent we supposed to be a liberal EQUAL country? didnt the IOC say they were to be all be equal? and yeah clearly this is not happening... theres no reason for it, to see someone "normal" break a world record or win in an event is great, but even greater is to watch someone who has to overcome extra challenges in their normal life do something EXTRAORDINARY!!

Well, i have gone completely off tangent here, and im actually angrily typing this now, but its something im really passionate about ( as you can tell) and, really im sorry for anyone who reads my rant haha.

Over and out ( and hopefully a bit happier next time)


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