Wednesday 8 February 2012


Photography is something ive always wished i had a natural talent for.
Luckily, a friend of mine, who is VERY talented has leant me her old Canon 400D which allowed me to play around more with ideas and places of my photomontage project.

However, since then, it had just lay idle on  my shelf... and i definately want to start using it more to capture moments. And isnt that what photography is all about? capturing a moment that will never happen again.
I saw a quote i like - "People change, Photographs don't"

I dont always like photgraphs of people however, theyre too planned- forced. I prefer natural photogrpahy, of animals, landscapes,spontaneous moments etc...

and i LOVE photographs in either black or white or with a heigheneted contrast to really make sections pop.

And i would have to add, if anyone does read this you should most definately check out -
He's a friend of mine, and whilst most of his pictures are of himself in various "characters" both he and his work is completely stunning!

I currently has this photograph he took and edited as the background on my laptop <3 (

A photograph tells a story, but its YOUR story. You can interpret the image in any way you want and take your own meaning from it. Which is a concept i adore.

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