Thursday 23 February 2012

Is Vlogging the new blogging?

Vlogging is basically, doing a blog through the meduim of video rather than text.
Text or writing has always been a popular way of people getting their opinions across, and combined with the power of the internet blogging was created.
- At last actual count by Technorati there were over 112.8 million blogs being tracked, not including those not in the English language.
Over the last decade blogging has become massive, and can range from people exploring important topics, to using it as a diary of sorts. You can blog about anything.


On January 2, 2000, Adam Kontras posted a video alongside a blog entry aimed at informing his friends and family of his cross-country move to Los Angeles in pursuit of show business, marking the first post on what would later become the longest-running video blog in history.
Since this initial use of a video blog ( or Vlog) it has taken off, especially after video hosting websites such as Youtube became popular;
FOr example, quite a few people currently on my Media Production course Vlog regularly.

But why choose to Vlog rather than just blog?

Is it simply that people can talk more freely? They can change their opinion as they talk and arent restricted by having to type their feelings.
Is it quicker, choosing a topic and expressing your feelings outright rather than having to write/type them in a coherent way?

Perhaps it is due to this, but is this taking a step forward with technology, or are people simply becoming lazy and would rather just "wing" it rather than plan ahead?
As friend of mine do "vlog" i find myself following various links on youtube until i see a strangers face looking at me.
But thats another issue with Vlogs, you cant tell if theyre going to be of interst or not, with blogs you can skim read ahead, opening paragraphs will help you decide if you think it is a worthy read.
But with Vlogs until you watch it you have no idea what you are going to see, and the lack of planning can lead to boring rambles which i imagine are of little interest to anyone.

Whilst blogging still may be a hugely popular aspect of modern society, Vlogs are quickly catching up.

I just hope they dont take over. I personally would rather have more choice in what i experience, and have my own say in what i take from it.

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