Thursday 23 February 2012

The problems with Live television ( focusing on the controversy of the Brits)

A really controversal subject in the last week or so has been the cutting off of Adeles speech at the Brits.
After recieving the MasterCard album of the year award, one which, even presenter James Corden stated was the most important on the event, Adele came on stage and began to tearfully thank her fans.
However,shortly into her speech James Corden came back on stage, saying how he " could believe he was doing this" AKA- cutting Adele off. She swore at the camera's in what she now says was in no way aimed at her fans or the audience, but was just to express her irritation at that time.

Adele was cut off due to timing issues, other speeches had run over and so the time slot for Blurs end of the night performance overlapped with Adeles acceptance speech.
There has been many opinions stated over this, from celebrities such as Lily Allen who claimed it was a show of how the televison industries were still male based. Other celebrities such as Professor Green also expressed that he did not feel it was the right thing to do.

However, some people do not see the issue, they state that they would rather have watched Blur perform than another over long speech. Or that simply it is a common issue and not to make a big deal of it.

Over-running is a risk with all live television programs, especially award shows where, as shown, speeches can run overlong or mistakes can happen ( such as with Eastenders live program) with lines, camera operators missing their signal etc... There is little room for mistake and as shown with the Brits it can cause outrage and multiple news headlines.

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