Monday 5 March 2012

Could we survive without modern technology?

My laptop is dying, the fans broken and so im in a constant fear it will set on fire ( very unrealisitc i know) and so on Wednesday when the insurance people pick it up, i may be without a laptop for roughly a day.

Frankly this makes me very uncomfortable and makes me think.

Am i really so obsessed with my laptop? A day without it is hardly a big deal, then i started thinking about other technology I would feel 'lost' without, my phone and ipod for example.

Obviously I could survive without any of these, people all over the world still do. This made me think are we, in first world countries relying too much on modern technology? Would we survive without it?

There have been many films/ books where the idea is that technology had developed so much that it had taken over us. My grandma genuinly seems to have a similar fear, and all modern technology baffles her. Obviously I am part of a  generation that had grown up with this developing technology, from my first Nokia 3310 ( cant quite remember) when i was in year seven to iphones, ipads, etc...

People have got too reliant on these tools, we no longer need to catch our own food, or properly cook it ( yay for microwave meals) We have the internet so can find out almost anything we want, we have phones where the bare minumun even goes far beyond just being able to ring someone.
People have lost simple survival skills, why play outside when you can play on your xbox? Why go and meet someone when you can text or BBM them, people are gradually loosing both their survival and people skills ( something i touched on in my blog about facebook)

If suddenly, all modern technology were to vanish, we would truly be in a lot of trouble. People would be pushed to actually make an effort about things, but yet just when my mum was young technology was so different, and she survived, people have survived for the past two million years without the excessive technology we now surround ourselves with.
How long will it be until we end up like " Walle"? Completely dependant on technology, too lazy to do anything else?
 - Truly a first world problem.

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