Sunday 11 March 2012

Is television too honest ( This is England 86)


Has television become too real? Has it become too like real life, making people uncomfortable.
Watching " This is England'86" a lot of people seem to think so, the third episode of the series features rape. Always an uncomfortable subject, and the scene itself is vile. It makes for very uncomfortable viewing and made me feel towards both characters VERY strongly.
It is believable, beyond believable actually, the way the characters react and even the camera angle make it so.
The scene is not up on you tube or available on any websites i have viewed articles off of. Graphic is something people happily deal with, as long as it is wounds, blood, guts etc... When it comes to an act as horrific as this it effects people more. This happens to people, people are sick enough to do this, and this scares people. freaks them out.

There are multiple opinions stated on websites, some say that the director ( Shane Meadows) is trying to make rape "entertaining", and that people " Get off on it"
Others understand the need for this scene, sexual abuse is seen as Taboo and people avoid it, so putting it out there help people to understand it better... See why she stopped fighting him off etc...

People watch television to escape from reality ( although ironically one of the most popular programs is Eastensters which is, abeit melodramatic and grim, "real life" television)  so when they witness something so real and emotionally damaging in such a raw light, it is shocking.
But the point is that you cant hide from this, this happens and it cant just be brushed under the carpet and shushed up.
People are happy to watch programs with murders etc... as they can see how fake it is ( usually) it is not overly graphic and there is a reason in the show. Rape is different, and what makes this instance worse is that it is by someone she knows and trusts, this again is a truth of rape.

The show contains warnings, is after the watershed and also had numbers and advice centres avaliable, hopefully it will raise awareness and people will understand more the situtaion ( or at least think they will)

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