Sunday 11 March 2012


The video, KONY 2012 has gone viral, links are all over facebook, twitter, youtube, forums etc...

The video is a half an hour piece created by the charity "Invisible Children" and it was created to raise awareness of Kony, part of a rebel group that kidnap children and use them in their army.
For about 12 hours i was oblivious to the video, i saw it kept being posted up but chose to ignore it, and then i watched it.
The video itself is very well put together, using interviews from children affected, the main "character" is a member of the "Invisible children" who has apparently spent much time in Uganda helping. They say the video is to raise awareness, and enough to get people to act.
Of course, as with anything that becomes worldwide there have been several blogs and forums etc... that have hit out at this project, e.g - here
People are mainly criticizing the funding aspects of the group, some claiming only 30% of all money raised actually goes to Africa ( the video itself must have cost a lot to produce) others say that the charity are very pro-military and want to therefore use military force to capture Kony ( which would no doubt lead to the deaths of many child soldiers)

There are arguments for both sides, "facts" are being flung around that are completely contradictory. Whether or not " Invisible Children" are trustworthy is one thing.
The positive thing to come out of the video is AWARENESS, which is a large focus of the video itself. Even if you don't agree with the charity, you don't have to donate to them, if people want to help either financially or by raising awareness they can do.
Plenty of people I know had no idea who Kony was before all of this. So with the power of the internet thousands, millions of people now know who he is.

Whatever way you view the rest of it that had to be a good thing.

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