Wednesday 14 March 2012

Studentship Task- Week 23

I enjoy this type or learning activity, being allowed to make your own choices ( and then find out if you are wrong) helps to ingrain facts into your mind. Rather than reading a large bulk of text you also have short paragraphs or even just sentences, all aimed around certain facts and so you get straight to the point.
The interactive sections, such as on this task the page with the Phonograph make you pay more attention as you have to react, and the pictures add more interest.

The main reason I feel this tasks are successful are the small amount of text, although i personally like reading large sections of texts and highlighting relevant sections ( this is how i revise mainly) on these studentship tasks you basically cut out the middle men and just have the relevant text, being able to answer questions also make it more effective, and I feel help you to remember facts better and I visual text in my mind rather than just remember so I can visual where each sentence was on the page and what it said.

I think the pages could be brightened up a bit, although they may be this way because of the format of Blackboard itself and also as people may otherwise become distracted by any patterns in the background.

Overall I think these are very effective means and although I would not want to use things such as this permanantly for revision they are effective.

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