Wednesday 14 March 2012

We saw some example of second years work in our lecture earlier this week and I have to say it got me really excited for next year!!
I've chosen to take the video techniques module ( which include photoshop and a lot of effects) and 3D modelling, as this is something that had always stood out to me, and although I havent had any previous experience in this I really want to give it a go!
Looking at others people work made me really eager, and had inspired some more ideas for my creative video piece i am shooting next week, especially Craig's use of camera angles and the old fashioned style of his music video. I need to do a lot more planning but I have a concept, a rough idea of what I want to shoot and an actor ( my lovely friend Christopher) and I'm feeling much more inspired for this than my previous music video shoot.
I cant believe there's only two weeks of this term left( not including this week) and then only a week until exam leave after Easter, its strange how fast this year has gone! I'm really excited for next year though, both the living in a house aspect and getting deeper into doing stuff i love ( My summer will be full of trying to get as ahead with some of the programs as possible!(
I think I'm actually going to miss doing this blog! So you may find i continue it even though i will definately have no one viewing it haha, I like that I can look up a topic I think is interesting or aimed at something Ive watched/enjoyed and just ramble ( as I try to write a coherent argument) away.

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